Presale Cancelation

We are committed to take whatever action necessary to maintain an honest and sustainable ecosystem of AngelSale. Therefore, AngelSale reserves the right to suspend the presale and listing of the projects which are identified to be scams.

Projects that match the following categories might be subjected to sanctions including but not limited to the cancellation of presale:

  1. Projects that violate the copyrights of other entities.

  2. Smart contracts that jeopardize the asset security of investors.

  3. Smart contracts with exit/mint functions

  4. Projects that forge fake identities/documentations/signatures during team verification.

  5. Projects with deceptive pitching points incoherent with their actual practices.

  6. Projects that intend to promote or fund illegal activities and terrorism.

Upon using our services, you automatically agree and acknowledge the above rights to be reserved by AngelSale.

If you believe that AngelSale has conducted a wrong arbitration of your project, do not hesitate to reach out to our compliance team on Telegram at ....

Last updated